Events - Monthly Schedule
St. John's Episcopal Church, Columbia, VA - January 2025 NewsletterSt.
Sorry for delay in getting out the newsletter! We did celebrate Holy Eucharist on Sunday, Jan. 5!
Jan 12, Sun 10:30 am – Holy Eucharist cancelled due to snow/ice conditions
Jan 15, Wed 9:00 am - Volunteers for Blue Ridge Food Ministry, Columbia Baptist Church
Jan 19, Sun 10:30 am – Holy Eucharist The Rt Rev. Mark Stevenson, Celebrant
The Rt. Rev. Mark Stevenson, our new Diocesan bishop, will be making his first visit to St. John’s.
- Potluck luncheon will follow the service. This will give us a chance to visit with the Bishop in an informal setting!
- See below for more information.
Jan 26, Sun 10:30 am – Holy Eucharist The Rev Bill Wells, Celebrant
Church News & Community Events
Annual Stewardship Pledge for 2025: IT’S NOT TOO LATE! You have up until Jan 15 to make your annual pledge – or increase it! PLEASE become a fully active member of the congregation by offering a pledge amount. Pennies do counts! See Mark 12:41-44 and recall Bill’s sermon on that passage!
Sunday Jan. 19 Bishop Visitation - a special opportunity! Be on the lookout for a separate email this week with service details for the visitation. Bishop Mark Stevenson is our new Diocesan bishop and is in much demand to visit the 178 churches in the Diocese. We feel very fortunate to have him at St. John’s! Maureen, Melanie and Leanora have had a chance to meet him briefly on different occasions, and all agree he is warm, caring, humorous, a good speaker/preacher; all of which contribute to his pastoral leadership of the Diocese. Bill Wells and the Sr. Warden are communicating with the Bishop’s office to work out service details. The important thing: Please plan to attend and invite a friend! The service will be followed by a potluck so be thinking of a dish to bring. Please provide a 3x5 card indicating what the dish is and whether it is gluten free (GF). If you are willing to help with preparations (cleaning parish house, set up / cleanup for potluck, please let a vestry member know! [Leanora, Linda, Dolores, Susan, Lindsay]
Vestry member for a 3-year term beginning March 2025 - Linda Verdery will rotate off the vestry in February this year. Leanora Johnson, Susan Fletcher, Lindsay Nolting and Dolores Myers continue. Maureen Harris continues as Church Treasurer. We will present a slate of one to be elected at the annual meeting, Feb. 23. We already have one volunteer for the upcoming vacancy, but if you are interested please contact Leanora Johnson, Sr. Warden. It would be possible to increase the size of the vestry if you wish to serve. Please review carefully The Vestry Eligibility & Duties posted in Narthex before making your decision. If you wish to have a copy ask the Sr. Warden to email you a copy. Not everyone has the patience or time to deal with financial and administrative details that are the primary focus of the vestry. But you can be invaluable in other roles! The goal of the vestry for the coming months is to define opportunities for much needed lay participation. Ask about opportunities or suggest ideas. We need your help and support!
Save the dates:
Sun. Feb 2 - Sunday Musical Afternoon – Flute Ensemble
Sun. Feb 23 - Annual Parish Meeting and Potluck will follow the church service at which the congregation votes on a new vestry member and approves the annual budget.
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